Let an Experienced PPC Marketer Optimize your PPC Campaigns, Ads, Keywords and Bids

If you are comfortable managing your PPC account in-house but want to jumpstart your campaigns, this package was designed for you.  An experienced PPC marketer will analyze the data contained within your account history and optimize each component based on your specific goals.

The One-Time Pay-Per-Click Account Optimization package includes, but is not limited to:

  • A one-on-one consultation with an experienced PPC marketer to go over goals, budgets, creative and the specific needs of your business.
  • A custom optimization plan prepared and presented for approval before any changes are made to the account
  • A brief optimization overview session to go over the account once changes have been made and discuss next steps
  • A discounted hourly consultation rate if you need extra assistance during the first month after the optimization has ben completed